
Long before I ever knew hat I Had teeth and was long in the tooth,jThere was a man out There in this universe,who discovered a way for US human to take care,    of our teeth. By creating this, unique, petite, and slender,                device, called a toothbrush .That, is amazing, wow, ! To come up with that, Idea and Concept is,  phenomanal. This, device, can actually,help prevent tooth decay. Many, of us,use,them,and some of us do not. We,use it in the mornings,after,we wake,up and After We have had, Dinner. Who knew ,that such a device,would become an important,Part of Our lives

For the love of your child,straighten your life out!

It pains me dearly, when children are subject to such horrific living conditions as they have to grow up in an unloving,drug infested home.You would likely to also want to take pity on the person or persons who are overtaken by this demon in their life called drugs. This is definitely a society problem. There are variety of sources of help for those who are on drugs,but what about the kids in the home. Who are really advocating on their behalf. I mean they are really emotionally scarred. And I struggle to try to figure out what is this strong bond between a child and their mother,because no matter how bad things are at home,no matter how bad she treated that child or children, they are still going to love their mothers. As they should and pray that their mothers straighten their lives out for the sake of their children.